Monday, November 7, 2016

Last Chance for USA 11072016 Dr Jill Stein

Last Chance for USA 11072016 Dr Jill Stein (2 min video)
ATTN AMERICA!  MainStream Media (msm) & our government think you are a moron!  The system is corrupt.  Only 1/3 of Americans usually vote.  If 1/3 more Non-Voters and New Voters come out Tomorrow To Vote,
we can take back our government in a landslide for @DrJillStein! 
She is #NotAnInsider and she is the #BestWeHaveNow because she is a better decision maker than the main candidates, and she puts People Before Money!

This is our last chance to take back our government for the foreseeable future.  MSM is the propaganda fear machine for the status quo, Trump is an agent to get Clinton elected so our enslavement is secure for generations. 
Gary Johnson is a former republican supporting the TPP and “trickle-down Reaganomics”. There is another choice!

Our ƎVO⅃ution continues with #Jill2016!
#JillCanWin - Because she is working for us!
Bernie is in The Senate, waiting for us.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are dangerous, unacceptable candidates.
If everyone who has already voted (early voting and mail-in, mostly Clinton and Trump supporters), will bring two new voters to the polls tomorrow to vote for a better woman and a better choice, Dr Jill Stein and We The People can win!

The time is now to make history, save our planet and reclaim our government!The People United Will Never Be Defeated!
Thank you for the good works we work together!

The Time Is Now!!! ƎVO⅃ution! #NotCivilWar
#GreenNewDeal #ItsInOurHands #SteinBaraka #Jill2016 #GreenParty
#InThisTogether #OneTribe #OurPartyOurRules #aFutureToBelieveIn #ToneDownForWhat #MajorityRules #LeadOrGetOutOfTheWay #Revolution #NotCivilWar #WeStillHere #JobsAndEducationNotJailsAndIncarceration #BeTheStorm #UsNotMe #ForThePeople #BlackLivesMatter
(I put hashtags like these on all my posts to help spread the word for
the only possibility We The People have for a future. We Are One, Inc.)
People? or Classism?
The People United Will Never Be Defeated!
Thanks for the good works we work together!
#other #anonymous
#drumpf? NOT
Please Share Widely

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