Engage Democratic Super Delegates
This is the message I sent to Superdelegates. Easy to do! #NotOverYet
"Aloha Superdelegate!
Our Future Lies In Your Hands. On what side of history will you stand?
"The chaos of a Hillary Clinton Presidency: Corporate dominion and a building rebellion"
Original Article JUNE 03 ,2016 BY RICHARD BEHAN
The only addition I would make would be to acknowledge that the corporate media colluded with "her" to rig the campaign for their own interests which she supports.
The Time Is Now!!! r(ƎVO⅃)ution! #NotCivilWar
#InThisTogether #OneTribe #OurPartyOurRules #Sandersistas
#BernieOrBust #aFutureToBelieveIn! #ToneDownForWhat #MajorityRules #LeadOrGetOutOfTheWay #Revolution #NotCivilWar #WeStillHere #JobsAndEducationNotJailsAndIncarceration #BirdieSanders #StillSanders #PresidentSanders #BernieSanders2016 #BernieSanders #bernie2016 #FeelTheBern #BeTheStorm #UsNotMe #ForThePeople #BlackLivesMatter (I put hashtags like these on all my posts to help spread the word for the only possibility We The People have for a future.) OK, I wish Bernie was a young black latina semitic asian indigenous gay woman, but #BestWeHaveForNow ;) ❤️
People? or Classism?
The People United Will Never Be Defeated!
Thanks for the good works we work together!
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